Data Driven Insights

I use data-driven insights to understand the current state, make informed decisions and define measures for success.

Data-Driven Insights are the foundation of my approach, blending the power of qualitative and quantitative data.

As Brene Brown said, "Qualitative data are insights told in stories." By combining quantitative analysis and qualitative storytelling, I comprehensively understand our customers, their experiences, their needs & goals. Quantitative data provides statistical evidence and trends, while qualitative data adds depth and context through real-life stories.

This holistic approach allows me to make informed decisions, drive innovation, and create meaningful experiences. By embracing the value of both data types, we unlock a deeper understanding and connect with our audience on a more human level.

  • I leverage qualitative and quantitative data sources, including industry, economic, and internal data, to uncover valuable insights and trends, enabling informed decision-making.

  • I leverage data to inform and gain alignment on business strategies and inform what measurable success looks like.

  • I drive continuous improvement and growth that drives innovation and change based on data insights during and post delivering an outcome.

The sweet spot: Striking the balance between tangible and empathetic data.

Quantitative Data Decision-Making Benefits

Objectivity: Quantitative data provides an objective basis for decision-making, as it is based on measurable and verifiable information rather than subjective opinions and is valuable for creating a baseline and on going KPI, OKRs etc.

Precision: Quantitative data allows for precise measurements, actionable insights and calculations, enabling more accurate analysis and prediction of outcomes & trends.

Statistical Significance: By analysing quantitative data, patterns, trends, and correlations can be identified, leading to meaningful insights and informed decision-making.

I unveil narratives in data by crafting business stories that illuminate pathways and provide measurable results.